Rabu, 22 Mei 2013

How to add Wikipedia Search Box Widget in Blogger

Yesterday, Blogger added a new Wikipedia Search Box widget to their Gadgets inventory. This gadget is solely developed by Blogger officials, so it is rather obvious that it would not have any creepy bugs. Though, it is a precisely minimalistic gadget as it only provides you the ability to search Wikipedia within your site. However, to be able to view a certain topic you have to visit Wikipedia by clicking on the search results.  It works pretty much like Google custom search engine, and its appearance is also somewhat identical to it. Therefore, today in this article, we will show you How to add Wikipedia Search Box Widget in Blogger?

Apparently, you probably won’t get anything out of this widget, but it might grow user engagement because people can utilize this gadget to search the content in-depth. For example, you wrote an article about Google Panda, but users did not find it as useful or they wanted to know more comprehensive information on this topic. This tool can help users to search the same topic on Wikipedia so they can get comprehensive information on it. 
The process of adding this widget into your blog is a lot straightforward. There is no need to tussle up with coding because it would be installed in just few clicks. Firstly, go to Blogger.com >> Your site >> Layout >> Add a Gadget >> More Gadget. Now from the list of widgets, on the top you will see a widget named “Wikipedia” just select it and press the “Save” button. 
Whenever someone would use Wikipedia search box, it would populate the search results below the search bar and link out to the corresponding Wikipedia article (in a new browser tab). This would benefit both you and your users.  
According to the Blogger Officials, 

Our latest addition to the Gadget Gallery is the Wikipedia gadget. It allows you to add a Wikipedia search tool into your sidebar, under the header, or above the footer. Do tell us, what you think about this latest addition in the inventory.
We hope you enjoy this new gadget. However, this is not the limit, there are numerous ways through which you can increase the credibility of your website it entirely depends on a person how he use them. Please let us know what you think about it.

How to Backup All Blogger Blogs at Once Through Google Takeout

The finest protection against any sort of security threat is to have a complete up-to-date backup of your site.  Taking backups on a daily basis is the only habit that a Blogger/Webmaster must have.  If your site is massive in size then you can take backups may be weekly or biweekly, but if your site is relatively small then taking the data of your site on a daily basis would not harm you. This does not mean that Blogger is unsafe. All we are suggesting is that, your blog is hosted at Google servers, so you are not the only administrator of your site. If somehow, Google deleted your site probably due to their terms and policy violation then, what would you do? You would be left empty handed. However, if you have a complete up-to-date back up of your site then, things might be turn around.

Since, Blogger.com is a free to use service by Google. Therefore, people often create too many blogs under the same account. This makes hell lot difficult for you to manually take backups of each and every site separately. Doing the same thing again and again might annoy us all. Fortunately, every problem has its solution and thanks to Google Takeout that helps us to download the backup of all blogs under a certain Blogger account. In this article, we will show you How to Backup Data of Your All Blogger Blog with just one Click. 
First go to https://www.google.com/takeout/#custom and Login to your Google or Gmail Account. After logging in to your account, it will take you to a new page here you will see a list of services that you have used through your Google account. 
From the list select of services select “Blogger” and it will take you to a new page which would derive the data of your site from your account and would also calculate its total size.
Once its finishes the calculation, Select the “Create Archive” button at the bottom of the page and proceed to the next step. (Remember: you can also back up a single site by using the configuration tab). 
Now, a new wizard would take place, it will again calculate the date of your all blogs and would generate a Database for you so you can download it with just once click. Usually it takes few seconds to complete but if the size and the numbers of your blogs are more massive than it would take a while to generate. 
Once the progress bar reaches 100 you can press the Download button to download the whole database of your all blogs. (The finest thing about this service is that it compresses the data tremendously that a 1GB file reduces to just 300MB).
After downloading the database successfully, you can unpack the files which would reveal the backups of your all blogs arranged in an alphabetical order. Seems like, mission accomplished! 
Now you can back up your all blogger sites within few clicks. On the top of that, the database is highly compressed, so it would take much lesser time to download. If you liked this article, then do share it on Facebook, Twitter and etc.

How to Resize All Images Automatically in Blogger

From time to time people send us emails asking a very common question, does there is any way to resize all the images of their blogger blog? Sometimes images of large magnitude flow out of the content this not only disappoint your readers, but also affect your online reputations.  Blogger provides basic options for resizing images, but this not a practical approach and does not fit the blogs designs well.  Fortunately, a straightforward CSS tweak makes it possible to automatically modify each and every image on your site. In this article, we will show you How to Resize All Images in Blogger?

Resizing pictures one-by-one manually is acceptable, but what you would do, if your site has thousands of photos and screenshots. Will you still edit them manually? Even if you decided to do so it would take months or even more than that. Therefore, it is essential to resize them manually through a straightforward CSS coding. Through this approach, you can also revert the size of images back to their original size.
The First thing you need to do is to go to Blogger.com >> your site >> Template >> Edit HTML. Now within the new Blogger HTML Editor search for the ]]></b:skin> tag and just above it paste the following CSS coding. (Quick Tip: If you are unable to find the skin tag, then first click anywhere on the HTML Editor and Press CTRL+F to operate the built in search option connected to the HTML Editor). 

.post-body img {
width: 500px!important;
height: auto!important; }
Now change the values of Width and height, according to your needs. You can even add a border to your images through (border: 1px solid #d2d2d2) a modest border CSS command. After customizing, press the “Save Template” button and that’s all. 
We hope this technique would help you in resizing your old images. If we have missed something or you know a much simpler way of tackling this problem then, the below comment section is all yours. 

How to Backup Your Blogger Posts and Comments Manually

Being a blogger user, there is no assurance that your blog is safe from removal, that’s the price of using the platform for free. Since, your site is hosted at Google servers. Therefore, if your site does not comply with their Terms and services they will delete your site without even giving a second chance.  You may have heard from many co-Blogger users that their websites are getting vanished overnight. As a Google blogger, there is no way of retrieving your deleted blog. The only thing you can do to protect yourself is to take a backup of your site. In this Article, we will show you how to take backup your Blogger Blog.

Probably this is the price of using this platform for free. Just imagine the feeling of a person who spends days and nights in putting up his website, and suddenly Google removes his site due to some violation in terms. Things cannot get worse than that. 
How To Backup of Posts, Pages and Images?
To Backup your website go to Blogger.com >> Settings >> Other >> Export your blog. Now a new window will appear, just select the orange “Download Blog” button and a file will be downloaded which would be in “XML” format. That file possesses all the data and details about your blog including posts, images, and pages. The downloaded file can be used on WordPress, or any other popular platform.
How to Backup Template?
If anyone is wondering how to take back up of their template, then he can go to Blogger >> Template >> Backup/Restore. Now press “Download the full template” button and template is successfully backed up. The downloaded file would be in XML format and it cannot be used on any other platform except Blogger.
That’s all folks, now your blog is successfully backed up. In the future, if your site got deleted, then you can use this back up and can migrate your whole site to WordPress without even losing a single Search engine ranking. By using 301 permanent redirects, we can easily redirect all the traffic to the new self-hosted WordPress site. However, without backup you have to give a kick start to your career once again.